Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mommy's Day

Today we celebrate the Mommy.  I, being a most spectacular son, spent some time with my mommy today.  And yes I did get my mommy a most nice present.  I get her a beautiful pink tag for her collar.  It was most bedazzled and fit for a Mommy Princess so it was just perfect for my Mommy Tasha.  She a very good mommy so it was nice to have a special day for her......
Me Presenting My Mommy With A Present for Mommy's Day

Saturday, May 4, 2013

My Mommy Tasha and My Baby Brother

My Mommy Tasha is here staying with me and my brothers for a few days cause her old man and old lady went to the New Jersey.  She and my baby brother Charlie are making some night night this afternoon cause it's rainy and boring outside.  I do not know why my baby brother cannot seem to keep his tongue in his mouth...........he so silly........

My Baby Brother Charlie and My Mommy Tasha