Now I must admit I have a pretty cushy life. In fact as a whole I am treated with royal pugaliciousness. However, there are still some things that I don't like and areas that could be improved. Some examples, I hate the word "NO". I mean who came up with that?!? I don't like vegetables.....they are just a waste of stomach space. I don't care for balloons, umbrellas or frogs (and in fact I have to run and hide behind my white floofy dog when I see these things). But the one thing that I think is very evil is this thing called Guitar Hero. Let me break this down for you. Last night my girl came home. It all started out right. She petted my head. She scratched behind my ears. She gave my big Buddha belly a good rubbin' and itched my hiney. She even played fetch with my red squeaky shoe. Life was good. Then it all went wrong and I was disgusted. It was Guitar Hero. This Guitar Hero is so bad that not only did my girl quit paying attention to me, but she forgot about perfectly good pepperoni pizza and left it just sitting there on the air hockey table. I have evidence. See the picture. I mean this Guitar Hero should be abolished. I kept staring and staring at that pizza hoping for a piece of tasty pepperoni but no it just sat there. I'm sure you all agree with me. I mean if something, anything makes you forget about pepperoni pizza it has to be bad....no?