Thursday, July 23, 2009

Great and Glorious Weekend

Oh what a wonderful surprise. My little girl human cousins came for a visit. Now I know they are getting bigger and older all the time but they will always be my little girls who come to play with me. I was very excited. I gave them lots of kisses and I did snuggle with them and I even made sleepy snuggly with the Staci girl. My Roscoe P. Kitty made sleepy snuggly with Faith and well that catty still scares me some.....but back to my great and glorious time with those girls. We did a lot of playing. I got a lot of petting and ear scratching and we had some fun play time in the giant puddle. I, of course, had to demonstrate my superior swimming skills. Those girls were most impressed. Sadly they had to go back to their very own home after a few days and that made me sad. Hopefully they will come back and visit again sometime soon.

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