Saturday, August 7, 2010

I'm on V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N....

Well I cannot blog long because I have much to do on my vacation but wanted to share an update. I will have more information and more pictures later, but for now we have some pictures of this great and glorious vacation. At the bottom is a picture of our ride to the vacation. Me and my mommy Tasha both wanted to sit on the old man's lap. It took a while to get situated but we worked it out. Above that is me in the giant creek called a river. I am an excellent swimmer so even though this creek called a river is bigger and deeper than last vacation I can still play in it. The top picture is me, my Mommy Tasha and my white floofy dog relaxing in the nice chairs by the creek called a river. I have to go for a nice mountain walk now so be back later..........

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