Monday, August 29, 2011

Unbelievable GREAT and Glorious News!!

I am super most excited. This is Charlie. We found out from some nice people that Charlie did not have a house or his own humans to live with anymore and he was looking for a new family. I said to myself "Hey"... and then told my humans, "My name is Wonka. Every Wonka should have a Charlie....right?!", and since my white floofy dog is getting older and doesn't want to wrestle with me anymore I really have been wanting a baby brother to play with. So this seemed like it was meant to be and I am happy to report that soon Charlie will be here and I will have my very own new baby brother. (Charlie is only 2 so I will be the big brother because I am 5.) I can just about not contain my excitement at this prospect. It is all so most exciting. I will update further soon.....and hmmmmmm perhaps I should now look for baby sisters named Oompa and Loompa, or Veruca and Violet!!!!!

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