Saturday, March 31, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me

Oh great and glorious birthday day. I am today a whole 6 years old. My boy Brian, well he find this most amazing and marvelous is called Taj Ma Hound. Finally, it seems, someone has done it completely right. Taj Ma Hound is a specialty bakery that caters to me and my furry dog friends. My boy Brian, in celebration of my birthday day, go to this bakery and come home with a most great and glorious cake and some tasty bone cookies. Now, because I am a most excellent brother, I did share with my 2 brothers. Pictured you will see my cake (it says Yappy Barkday Wonka) and the cookies and there is also a picture of me being most excited as this cake was being served. You should visit as it is most amazing. I will add it to my favorites list. Now, once again in honor of my birthday day, I have been given the opportunity to choose the spot for my evening walk. I, of course, choosed the most great and glorious Stone Mountain Park........I must go now for my walk. Happy Birthday to Me!!!

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