Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Most Exciting Birthday News

I am happy to report that I will once again be going on a great and glorious cabin vacation.  The old man has secured a fabulous Happy Birthday gift cabin for me and my brother Charlie, my human girl and boy, and we are even taking my mommy Tasha.  We will be gone for 5 whole days which is a most delightful amount of vacationing.  I anticipate hot dogs and marsh-a-mallows, as these at vacation staples, and since this vacation is a birthday gift, there will surely be birthday cake.  This is a picture of the back of the great and glorious cabin so that you can see the nice fun yard for us to all play in.  I will be taking my fancy wheels for longer walks so I don't get tired.  It will be most exciting...and only 30 more night-nights til we leave......

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