A very sad event has happened today in my house. My very best catty friend Roscoe has gone to the Catty Rainbow Bridge. I will certainly miss my catty friend. We had become best good friends. He would give me kisses and rub his big floofy tail all over me. Every now and then he would take a swat at my hiney with his big giant paw.....I think he was trying to play with me but it was kinda scary so I would usually run. I liked to share my toys with my catty friend. In fact I would often bring him a goose or my bear and drop it on his head. Most of the time he would just look at me funny but it was a fun game we played. My catty Roscoe had a bad heart. His catty cardiologist told him when he was just a wee kitten that he would probably only live 2 years. Well my Roscoe turned 9 yesterday so he stayed with me for a long time. I wish he was still here giving me catty kisses. I love my catty Roscoe and will miss him. :(