Friday, November 26, 2010


We have started doing a new great and glorious fun activity. It is spelled geo-caching, which I like to pronounce geo-catching even though I'm told this is not quite right. Anyhoo, my dogtor says I need to do more exercise so my humans have found this fun little treasure hunting game. You get to go through lots of different woods, with many things to make the pee-pee on, and then you find this fun little box. These boxes are filled with treasures. Now lots of times these are not really dog friendly treasures, but every now and then someone does it right and there is a doggy geo-catching treasure. Recently I obtained a new portable water bowl which is most important as I become an outdoorsdog because there is not always a giant puddle called a lake to get the drink from. This new activity is most fun and today I even took my white floofy dog along. My humans have a geo-catching "handle" which is WonkasHumans and they are having a little coin made with my picture and name on it which they will leave as treasure in these boxes. This, of course, will be most important treasure and highly valued by other geo-catching seekers due to my likeness. It is really a great and glorious activity which I am most enjoying.

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