Well my mommy Tasha is here visiting for a few days. Her old man and old lady are someplace called the Las Vegas, which I guess is not a fun place for dogs, so she decided to stay here with us. It is nice to see my mommy, and have some playtime. One of the things we did today was sit up on the arm of this giant blue chair so we can see out the window. We like to look out the window and bark at things that we see.....we are very good for security. I am happy to report that my mommy Tasha did bring over her night-nap bed. Usually when she comes to visit and it is time for our nap she will get in my bed. This is somewhat bothersome because it is my bed and when she is in it I cannot get in there too....and I cannot really tell her to move because after all she is my mommy. But this time it is much better since she brought her very own bed. She still likes to make snuggly in my bed but at least I can get in hers now. Tomorrow we are hoping these humans will do something fun like take us out for the geo-caching or at least to one of our favorite parks now that the snow and ice are finally almost gone. I will update more later.