Sunday, March 27, 2011


Today was a most great and glorious day. Today we celebrated my 5th birthday (my actual birthday is not for 4 more days but today was my birthday-day celebration). The Old Man and the Old Lady came over with my mommy Tasha (who remembers my birthday fondly of course), and then you would not believe who else came to my party....Willy! Willy lives across the street from my Old Man and I have been playing with Willy since I was a wee pup. Willy brought his girl Abigail too and she pet my head which was nice. I was most excited to see everyone. Then the festivities began. My house was decorated most nice with Happy Birthday decor. I didn't even mind wearing the radickalus party hat. While all my humans ate we doggies ran and played. My friend Willy, who is just a little guy, liked to play with my big white floofy dog Yukon....I think because they are both white floofy dogs. Then we had presents. My favorite present was the little red light stick that makes the red light run across the floor....that is one of my favorite games, and my previous light stick broke so I was most excited to see this one. I got new toys too. Then we had great and glorious cake. I do love the great and glorious birthday cake. It was truly wonderful. Me and all my doggy friends also got doggy goody bags with a toy and lots of homemade tasty treats. Things were definitely done right on my birthday. There are lots of pictures below of the festivities. It was a great and glorious day!

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