Monday, March 21, 2011

I Am The Geo-Pug Dog

Today was most entertaining. My humans took me out to do the geocaching. Now, today, instead of hunting for the little treasure box, we actually placed a little treasure box of goodies for other people to find. We named this treasure box, Wonka Walks Here, after me of course :). We traveled by car to my favorite area park and then went on to one of my favorite trails and we searched until we found a most excellent hiding place. Now it was almost 80 degrees here still at 6:00 PM and my dogtor has recommended I not be out when it is most hot, but I took some breaks and had my water bottle so I did just fine. It was a most enjoyable evening and I'm so glad my humans are finally doing things right.

Oh yes, incidently, my 5-year-old birthday is next week. I'm getting most excited.

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