
Oh what a great and glorious day it was. It was "Merry Christmas" and while I'm not sure exactly what it means I do like that phrase because the "Merry Christmas" day was all that every day should be. First thing this morning I went on a car ride. I love the car ride. The car ride went to the old-man and old-lady's house which is always one of my favorite activities. But this time at the old-man and old-lady's they said it was time to open the presents under the tree. This activity is most enjoyable. There were lots of presents for me and my white floofy dog. We would run from person to person, depending on who was opening the present, in the hopes that it was for us. Lo and behold several of them were. There were toys and toys, squeaky ones and ones that make the strange scary sound and chewy ones. And of course there were tasty treats in some of the presents. Now I tried to tell my humans that my dogtor lady said too many treats were bad but it was "Merry Christmas" which I guess means we don't pay attention to that dogtor lady and there were treats everywhere.....so tasty. After a fun filled morning we went back to our own house where I had to take the nap and then the fun started again!!!!!!!!! The old-man and old-lady came to our house this time. They took me and the white floofy dog on the walk so we could make the big boo-boo like good boys. Then it was time for dinner. We had stupid ole stupid kibble but all my humans were cooking meat and cheese and vegetables on a little indoor grill and after I looked real sad they gave me a taste or two, again saying it is that "Merry Christmas". Now I really like that phrase. However, the old-lady started telling me that tomorrow I had to be on the diet. I don't know that word diet but I think the dogtor lady said it too so I'm a little worried. But I'll think about it later because today is the "Merry Christmas" and it's been about the best day ever. Hope yours was too!